An escape to Kouri Island’s Shrimp Wagon Yanbaru Kitchen, northwest of Nago, will quickly remind you of the lyrics to Jimmy Buffett’s “Margaritaville.” The smell of boiled shrimp and saltwater is definitely what I needed to start my summer off right. I discovered the food truck on a solo trip to Kouri Island in search of the sought-after views of the crystal blue water from the bridge connecting Yagaji Island to Kouri Island. After making a right turn at the end of the bridge, I was immediately greeted with the sight and smell of the Shrimp Wagon.
The “wagon” is conveniently located in a parking lot next to a pavilion with picnic tables and other seating. There are also two public beaches within walking distance, on either side of the bridge. More details on the island itself have been covered in a separate article here on Okinawa Hai, so I’ll leave you a link to do some research. I do recommend that couples take advantage of a sunset stroll on the bridge though!
The Shrimp Wagon serves up plates of delicious shrimp smothered in garlic, butter, and lemon sauce alongside white rice. They also offer a spicy alternative with cayenne pepper, which I imagine is just as good. It’s worth mentioning that the shrimp are grilled and served with the shells on, so I recommend removing them before you dig in. The recipe, I later learned from their website, is inspired by similar mobile cuisine found on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. This means they serve Hawaiian Sun’s guava juice, which has always been a favorite of mine since pulling into port at Pearl Harbor years ago. They also have a small selection of imported beers, to include Corona and Heineken.
The average cost of a set is around ¥1,200, not including drinks, but in my opinion, it is well worth it. I brought my friend and his wife on the next trip, and they shared my love for the tasty crustaceans. If seafood is not your thing, there are alternative options both on their menu and at the restaurant under the pavilion. If you have room for dessert, there is a place to buy ice cream as well.
The Shrimp Wagon is run by two local Okinawan women, who provide excellent service. I am a huge fan of food trucks, and after recently watching the movie Chef on Netflix, I have an even greater appreciation of what it takes to operate one. That being said, with how busy the truck was, they did a great job of keeping up with orders and serving us with a smile.
If you decide to go, let us know about your experience in the comments section. Hope you have a great summer exploring Okinawa!
Shrimp Wagon Yanbaru Kitchen
Payment: Yen or Credit Card
Hours: 7 days a week from 1100 – 1800
Phone: 090-8056-1242
Website: http://shrimp-wagon.com/english/
Address: Japan, 〒905-0406 Okinawa Prefecture, Kunigami District
GPS Coordinates: 26.695432316306945, 128.02241721907956
Directions: Type Shrimp Wagon into Google Maps and you are good to go! In case you don’t have access to this app, the article mentioned earlier has detailed directions. It is past Nago, and it takes about an hour and a half to get there. You can take 58, but I recommend taking the expressway to Nago to significantly decrease travel time. Once you cross the bridge to Kouri-jima Island, make a right turn followed immediately by another right into the parking lot. It is free to park here, but if it is full, there is a second lot across the street that charges ¥300.
출처: https://okinawahai.com/shrimp-wagon-kouri-island/
沖繩古宇利大橋,蝦蝦餐車 Kouri Shrimp,好吃好拍的美式蝦蝦飯
上次在虎航清票促銷時買了沖繩來回 3,250 元的便宜機票,所以雖然是正寒冬的一月初,我們還是飛來了沖繩繞繞這可愛的小島。在淡季出遊最大的好處就是遊客真的很少,搭機時機艙大概只坐了三成乘客,跑各個景點時日本本地遊客還比外國遊客來的多,真是還滿不錯的,不過淡季出遊的壞處就是天氣真的很不受控,比方說明明出發的那天顯示大晴天,今日卻是毫不留情的大風大雨狂吹狂打,但不管如何,我們已經來到沖繩了,就按照既定的計畫租車前往古宇利島玩樂囉!
古宇利島的面積不大,環島一周大概十多分鐘就能解決,不過古宇利島擁有從上島開始就會想讓人不停按快門的美景,湛藍的海水配上筆直的古宇利大橋,真是美得讓人不斷讚嘆,可惜我們來的時候是陰雨天,如果有藍天的話肯定更美,跨過古宇利大橋後,推薦大家第一個行程就先直達位在古宇利島南端的 Shrimp Wagon 蝦蝦餐車,填飽肚子後才能繼續拍照看風景呀!
▼停車場就在右手邊,P 字樣上有個 Shrimp Wagon 的牌子,還滿好找的。
為什麼蝦蝦餐車會成為沖繩古宇利島的知名餐點呢,我想大概是因為這兒實在是太好拍的關係吧XD 粉嫩嫩的餐車設計配上砂礫地面,有種野性和文青的衝突感,餐點的選擇雖然沒有很多,不過口味都還不錯,加上擺盤很好看,襯著碧藍的海水或是藍天,人人都可以在這裡當網美,完全抓住了這幾年熱門餐廳、熱門景點的趨勢哈哈哈,難怪會紅。
#1 蒜味蝦蝦飯 Original Garlic Shrimp Plate ¥1,000
#2 辣味蒜蝦飯 Spicy Hot Garlic Shrimp¥1,200
#3 檸檬蒜蝦飯 Garlic Shrimp Butter & Lemon¥1,300
#4 檸檬蒜蝦和辣味蒜蝦各半 Garlic Shrimp Plate Mix¥1,400
#5 蒜香羅勒薯條 ’Shirishiri’ Potato¥400
#6 烤蠑螺 Grilled Kouri Island horned turban (2pieces)¥500
#1 到 #4 可以再加 500 日圓會多加一份那霸牛肉
我點了 #1 蒜味蝦蝦飯、L 點了 #2 辣味蒜蝦飯,另外還一起點了一份蒜味羅勒薯條一起吃,點完餐後會先給一張號碼牌等待叫號,我們來的時候剛好沒人,所以等了 3 分多鐘後就拿到餐點了。
先說我的蒜味蝦蝦飯,裡面有 7 隻蝦,加上兩顆圓圓的飯(冰淇淋勺的那種大小),蝦子已經去頭切殼,不過殼沒有完全剝掉,要稍微挖一下才能把蝦肉挖出來,蝦肉的蒜味沒有很重,大概就是用蒜味奶油煮一煮的那種蒜的程度而已,吃完嘴巴也不會留下太多蒜味,我個人覺得可以再蒜一點更好吃,然後最好也可以幫忙去殼,不然還要把殼挖掉有點麻煩。飯則是稍微偏硬了點,如果可以再煮更軟 Q 點更好吃。
L 覺得辣味蒜蝦飯調味主要都在殼上面,所以要連殼一起吃才好吃,沒去殼稍微有點麻煩,辣味辣得很不錯,大概是小辣的程度而已,愛吃一點辣的人可以試試。
店名:Shrimp Wagon 蝦餐車
營業時間:週一 – 週日 11:00 – 17:00(颱風會休息)
平均價位:1,000 日圓 – 1,400 日圓/人
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